Saint Loup Chapel

A new system for the construction of origami inspired lightweight wooden structures.

Due to the asymmetric inclination of the panels some main fold edges are shifted and the offset surface intersects in two vertices.

From preliminary research at IBOIS to implementation on a full-scale building.

The research can be further explored in the following  publication:

Origami - Folded plate structures, IBOIS, Hani Buri

Extract of “Let’s meet Yves Weinand” by Mister Emma
Location :
Pompalpes, Switzerland
Client :
Communauté des diaconnesses de Saint Loup
Architect :
SHEL Yves Weinand, Hani Buri, Localarchitecture, Danilo Mondada
Structural engineering :
Bureau d’Etudes Weinand, Liège
Timber engineering :
Bureau d’Etudes Weinand, Liège
Technological transfer :
Laboratory for Timber Construction, IBOIS, EPFL
Prof. Yves Weinand, Hani Buri
Status :
Completed  2008